She was 29 and he was 80. How an unusual couple lives after 5 years of marriage

She gave up her youth and relationships with her peers for the sake of an alliance with a pensioner. But for many it is still a mystery what made the student marry an 80-year-old man. We talk about this unusual couple, and how their family life developed.

Terzel met her future husband in 2016 at an event in Cape Town, which was arranged by a local newspaper. It was there that the 28-year-old girl worked as a journalist. The pensioner spotted her even before the start of the event. When he was convinced that Terzel was alone, he approached her to meet her.

After that conversation, the couple no longer parted. They immediately exchanged phone numbers and met the next day in a cafe.

The relationship with Wilson was Terzel’s first serious alliance. But Wilson was already married, but widowed. In 2002, his love Nelly died of oncology. And all 15 years after her departure, the man remained faithful to his late wife until he met Terzel.

Terzel’s mother received the groom well, although he is 24 years older than his mother-in-law. Wilson’s daughters also communicate with their father’s chosen one on an equal footing, despite the fact that she is half their age. The couple did not delay with the wedding.

They got married a year after they met. At that time, the groom was 80 years old, and the bride was only 29. However, the public did not approve of the marriage of Terzel and Wilson.

The girl began to be blamed on the network and the most harmless statement that flew to her was: “Gold hunter.” This greatly offended Terzel. After all, a spark really ran between her and Wilson, and they love each other.

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She was 29 and he was 80. How an unusual couple lives after 5 years of marriage
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